Thursday, June 6, 2013

This is what renovation looks like.

So by now, I think the overall public opinion is "wow, you guys are working so hard and your home will be beautiful!!" Is that about right?  I bet some of you are even thinking about starting a project of your own, or maybe wishing you'd tried this when you were young and full of spit and vinegar.  Well, let me tell you a few things.  It ain't easy and it ain't pretty.  (It is fun, I won't even lie.)

We've been sugar-coating it for you.  I hate to admit it, but this blog is all about romance and dreaming and you'd better be warned before doing anything like this.  If you can't handle it, please step away from the browser window.  I am about to show you unfiltered, unstaged, uncensored view of life in a renovation.  I came home, fed/walked the dog and then took snapshots of everything as I walked through.

This is what it actually looks like.

The End.

Don't worry, our renovation warriors will soon return with Paint Colors and WALLPAPER!
Super exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you've come a long way, and have a long way to go. It ain't pretty, but it is beautiful. You can see the potential in those pictures. Love the random toilet (in the basement?). Love the floors.
